Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Welcome! Thanks for checking upon my solar site everyone! Its greatly appreciated. Now I'm sure you might be eager to browse around and scope things out, but I'll go ahead here and post a little directory message to clear the air, and let in the sunshine!

"The Enlightenment" will consist many of the interesting components used to shape the solar industry today, including financial and economical aspects (FIN/ECO), the current environmental/sustainable impact (ENV/SUS), design/engineering, maintenance, and installation procedures (ENG/TECH), and solar thermal and hot water systems (TH/HW). I will be posting new articles once a month, so definitely stay updated with what the solar world has to offer. There isn't a day that goes by that solar energy doesn't effect everyone's daily life!

The next section is a short explanation of who I am, and where I'm currently at in my solar career. I think posting about the solar industry is a great way to educate others as well as myself who are willing to acquire more knowledge about solar photovoltaics and hot water, whether that be for educational purposes, DIY project management, or for homeowners just looking to understand their systems a little better.

The next section will include some great literary sources and publications relating to both the solar photovoltaic and thermal/hot water industries. Whether they be code-requirement manuals, catalogs, or professional solar industry subscriptions, I believe a good read is one of the most efficient methods to developing one's knowledge and skills.

Last but not least will be a section providing frequently asked questions that may vary between different solar contractors, project managers, sales representatives, teachers, scholars, and homeowners. Solar is still in its infancy, and many people have various concerns or comments regarding their systems or costs. If you have a general wondering on your mind, this is a great section to be enlightened! Enjoy!


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